Thursday, March 22, 2012

Learning Everyday!

Jace is a smart little guy and his catching on to new things all the time!  He has been saying mama, waving good-bye, clapping, and blowing kisses.  Great-grandma Lura taught Jace to pray the other day while she stopped over for lunch.  Of course in a certain mood or with the video camera on he doesn't always cooperate (typical of him), but I tried to capture some of his new skill on film.

Future Basketball Star!

Jace loves playing with balls, and has figured out how to throw!  He enjoys playing fetch with Cooper at Grandpa and Grandma Gent's, and enjoys playing catch with us.  He loves putting balls into places, whether it be his mini hoop, shopping cart, or storing them under the couch.  Here is a clip of him and Grandpa Gent playing catch!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My First St. Patrick's Day!

For Jace's first St. Patty's Day we went to Grandpa and Grandma Gent's.  It was a beautiful March day (except for it being really windy) and Jace got to ride his pedal tractor and one of the miniature horses, and swing in a hammock.     

Got a photo of Cooper, Jace loves playing with him!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picking up Chicks!

We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Loan's farm to see the baby chicks.  Jace loved them, but wasn't to be trusted near them.  He loves soft things, but is a little rough with the delicate baby chicks.

Can I hold them mom?

Addyson holding a chick

He did a good job petting the chick!  Until he tried to squeeze his head...

Uncle Tim

Got to see mom's old cow Lily, mom showed her at the Johnson County fair 9 years ago!

He wanted to pet the cows, but they took off in the opposite direction.


Its been almost 2 weeks since Jace injured his leg and has been able to walk.  He was loving walking and getting so good at it.  He has been miserable the last few weeks, unable to do what he wants to do.  It has also been rough for mom and dad to have such a happy baby be so sad and cranky all the time.  However yesterday was a turning point- Jace started taking his first steps since his injury, and we had a happy baby for once!  The nice weather and wagon rides helped contribute to the good mood too, but I could tell he was starting to be himself again.  We went to the park and got some superman shots- he is a tough little guy and once he starts walking- he is unstoppable!  I am praying for no more broken bones for awhile! 

Check out our superman:

Dad got stuck in the

Love my superman :)