Monday, February 20, 2012

He's Walking!

A bittersweet moment in the Gent house, our baby is walking, and he hardly seems like a baby anymore.  Last weekend I went to Briar Cliff University in Souix City to watch Tim play in his last home basketball game as a senior.  Adam went to St. Louis for a work party, so Grandpa and Grandma Gent babysat Thursday through Sunday.  I knew Jace would walk anyday, I had been saying this since around Christmas, he was taking steps on his own for awhile, but the most he could do was about 5 before he wiped out.  I had a dream Saturday night at the hotel that I came home and Jace was walking, guess it was motherly instinct because it was true!  Seeing him walk brought tears to my eyes- happy tears of watching how fast he is a growing and becoming a boy.  We are so proud of our little guy, always eager to do more!  Hard to believe in a month and a half he will be a year old!

1 comment:

  1. Go Jace! You've got a good mama and I want you to start chasing her around like she's been chasing you!
