Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jace is 10 months!

I decided to work my photos skills one night while Adam was home so he could help me keep Jace from crawling all over!  These were taken right at 10 months.  As you can see, he loves stuffed animals, and his friend Gus from Build-a-Bear got to be in a few shots. He also loves his John Deere pedal tractor, but is not near big or strong enough to pedal.  He enjoys sitting on it while someone pushes him around.  Jace is almost walking now, he takes a few steps on his own but then wipes out.  He now "power crawls", crawls so fast like he is running :)  It is pretty entertaining.  He makes the biggest mess ever when he eats, throwing almost everything on the floor or missing his mouth and food ends up on his lap.  Jace will not let you feed him, he must do it himself!  An independent little guy, if his mind is set on something that it how its going to be :)  He is a big hugger, if he warms up to you, he will give you lots of hugs; it is so sweet.  I'm sure that will all change in few years so i'm enjoying it now! 

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